Concurrent sessions

Wednesday, May 21

Note: The sessions below are subject to change. If you have any questions, concerns or requested changes to what is displayed below, please contact

9:00 - 10:30 a.m.
#31 Decision Support & Application - What’s New for the 2029 Coastal Master Plan
Valencia Henderson - CPRA (moderator)
Michael T. Wilson - RAND
Eric White - CPRA
Matt Yoder - Carnegie Mellon University
Md Adilur Rahim - Louisiana State University
Ashley Cobb - CPRA (organizer)
#32 Waters, wetlands, and the coast: From the U.S. Supreme Court to the Louisiana district courts and everyplace in between
Megan Terrell - Plauché and Carr (moderator)
Valerie Black – ROW
Jim Wilkins – Louisiana Sea Grant
David A. Peterson - Louisiana Department of Justice
Ryan Seidemann - The Water Institute (organizer)
#33 RESTORE Act Center of Excellence for Louisiana: Using Novel Technologies to Advance Coastal Restoration and the Louisiana Coastal Master Plan
Jessica Henkel - RESTORE Act Center of Excellence for Louisiana (moderator)
Abby Eckland - University of New Orleans
Navid Jafari - Louisiana State University
Gary LaFleur - Nicholls State University Biological Sciences
Corina Barbalata - Louisiana State University
#34 Modeling and Monitoring to Inform Sustainable Fish and Shellfish Populations in Louisiana
Shaye Sable - Dynamic Solutions, LLC (moderator)
Zhengchen “John” Zang – Louisiana State University
Timothy Stephens - Dynamic Solutions, LLC
Shawn Doyle - The Water Institute
#35 Integrating Multi-Hazard Resilience into Louisiana’s 2024 State Hazard Mitigation Plan: Innovations and Challenges
Robert Rohli - LSU (moderator)
Monica Farris - UNO-CHART
Meggan Franks - LSU AgCenter
Carol Friedland - LaHouse Research and Education Center, LSU AgCenter
Jeffrey Giering - GOHSEP
Rubayet Bin Mostafiz - Louisiana State University Agricultural Center
#36 Processing Social-Ecological Change: Adapting Cities, Communities, and Ourselves
Michael Biros – CRCL (moderator)
Bob Jacobsen - Bob Jacobsen PE, LLC
Miles Jordan – Louisiana State University
Amy Kennedy -
Sean Fowler - Tulane School of Architecture
#37 Resilience Lessons Learned Beyond Louisiana
Anne Coglianese – City of Jacksonville (moderator)
Colleen McHugh – The Water Institute
Andrew Wright – SCAPE Landscape Architecture
Matthew Martinec - CSRS
Adam Hosking - Jacobs
Aaron Horine – Anchor QEA, Inc.
Lynette Cardoch – Moffat & Nichol
Andrew Pearson – Jacobs, TEAM2100
Nigel Pontee - Jacobs
#38 Observations and Numerical Modeling of biogeomorphic and salinity dynamics in the Lower Mississippi River and the birdsfoot delta complex: a MissDelta Session
Ehab Mesale – Tulane University (moderator)
Claire Kemick - Tulane University
Ahmed Khalifa - Tulane University
Muhammad Sohail - UL Lafayette
Sherif Ahmed - Tulane University
#39 Resource Planning for the Future of Energy in Louisiana Coastal Zone
Cameron Poole - GNO Inc (moderator)
Brad Ives - Louisiana State University
Davante Lewis - Louisiana Public Service Commission
Leo John Arnett - Greater New Orleans, Inc.
#40 The Future of Louisiana’s Coast: Restoration, Resilience and Justice
Megan Poole - University of Texas (moderator)
James Hiatt - A Better Bayou
Scott Eustis - Healthy Gulf
Alyssa Portaro - Habitat Recovery Project
Travis Dardar - Fishermen Involved In Sustaining Our Heritage
11:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
#41 Creating a Pathway for Coastal Sustainability: The Vital Importance of Early Engagement in Coastal-Deltaic Challenges (A MissDelta Session)
Barbara Kleiss - Tulane University (moderator)
Mitchell Andrus - Royal Engineers & Consultants
Brooklyn Carter - Jackson State University
Dominique Garello - LSU
Christie Landry - Fletcher Technical Community College and LASTEM-R3SC
Michelle Sanchez - Tulane Center for K-12 STEM Education, Tulane University
Faith Walton - Louisiana State University
Brendan Yuill - US Army Corps of Engineers, New Orleans District
#42 Emerging Perspectives on Hurricane Hazard: Damage Estimation for the Gulf Coast Region
Aaron Dewar - Purdue University (moderator)
David Johnson - Purdue University & Mohammad Ahmadi Gharehtoragh – Purdue University
Fangyuan Li - Purdue University
Pragathi Jha - Purdue University
Vinay Rao - Purdue University
#43 State of the Coast Interdisciplinary-Science to Support Decision Making
Jordan Fischbach - The Water Institute (moderator)
Jessica Henkel - The Water Institute
Alyssa Dausman - The Water Institute
Christopher Esposito - The Water Institute
Soupy Dalyander - The Water Institute
#44 Strategies and approaches for equitable climate resilience in the Gulf of Mexico
Renee Collini – The Water Institute (moderator)
Katya Wowk – The Water Institute
Allison Dejong – The Water Institute
Colleen McHugh – The Water Institute
Melissa Awbrey – The Water Institute
Kandake Wallace – The Water Institute
#45 A Conversation on Culturally Focused Resilience Initiatives
Chris Robert - Louisiana Endowment for the Humanities (moderator)
Lora Ann Chaisson - United Houma Nation
Edward Benoit, III - Louisiana State University and A&M College
Erin Voisin - Louisiana Endowment for the Humanities
#46 The Community Lighthouse Model: the Five Fronts of Climate Resilience
Broderick Bagert - Together Louisiana (moderator)
Gregory Manning - Broadmoor Community Church
Jennifer (Jen) Scott - Louisiana State University, School of Social Work
Pierre Moses - 127 Energy
Jason Dedon - International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) Local 995
Arushi Sharma Frank - Luminary Strategies, LLC
#47 SELA Voice: A Coalition to Inform Community-Based Advocacy in Southeast Louisiana
Dan Favre - Greater New Orleans Foundation (moderator)
Sandy Nguyen - Coastal Community Consulting, Inc.
Corey Miller - Pontchartrain Conservancy
Natalie Manning - Lower 9th Center for Sustainable Engagement and Development
Will Thinnes - CRCL
Matt Rota - Healthy Gulf
Simi Kang - University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Jonathan Foret - South Louisiana Wetlands Discovery Center
Khai Nguyen - Song Community Development Corporation
#48 New Horizons in the Co-Production of Knowledge: Creating Meaningful Change for Coastal Communities -- A MissDelta Session
Scott Hemmerling - The Water Institute (moderator)
Traci Birch - Louisiana State University
Matt Bethel - Louisiana Sea Grant College Program
Teal Harrison - Adaptation International
Honora Buras - Bayou Culture Collaborative
Kellyn LaCour-Conant - Taproot Earth
#49 Developing the New Atchafalaya Master Plan - Decision Framework, Modeling Efforts, and Freshwater Fishereies Challenges
Sadie Morgan - Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority (moderator)
Kristen Chatelain (organizer)
Paige Green - Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority
Denise Reed - Denise Reed, LLC
Zachary Romaine - Royal
Brac Salyers - Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries
#50 Diverse Challenges Associated with Restoration Project Planning, Design, and Implementation
Adam Linson - CPRA (moderator)
Terri Von Hoven – Army Corps of Engineers
Shannon Haynes - CPRA
Joanne Tribou - CPRA
Jarret Bauer - All South Consulting Engineers, LLC
2:00 - 3:30 p.m.
#51 Educating Future Stewards
Jacqueline Richard - Nunez Community College (moderator)
Stephanie Aubert - Louisiana Children’s Museum
Lauren Leonpacher - Coastal Wetlands Planning, Protection, and Restoration Act (CWPPRA)
#52 Addressing Insurance Affordability and Availability in the Northern Gulf Coast
Renee Collini - The Water Institute (moderator)
Allison DeJong - The Water Institute
Carolyn Kousky - Environmental Defense Fund
Charles Sutcliffe - National Wildlife Federation
#53 Avian Session pt. 1
Jessica Henkel – The Water Institute
Jon Weibe – LDWF
Erik Johnson – National Audubon Society
Leah Moran - LSU
Alicia Sendrowski – The Water Institute
Derek Salazar – Stantec
Delaina LeBlanc - BTNEP
Paul Leberg - ULL
Nichols Enwright - USGS
Robert Dobbs - LDWF
#54 Carbon Strategies and Methane Insights: Advancing Climate Mitigation and Adaptation in Coastal Louisiana
Garvin Pittman – The Water Institute (moderator)
Mariam Valladares-Castellanos - LSU
Anamika Dristi – LSU
Frank Driscoll – LSU
Samrat Dutta – Xavier University of Louisiana
#55 Sediment Resources for Restoration
Sunshine Van Bael - Tulane University
Ioannis Georgiou - The Water Institute
Katherine Foreman - Royal Engineers and Consultants, LLC
Brendan Yuill - USACE New Orleans District
#56 Navigating Resilience: Ports, Waterways, and Ecosystems in Coastal Adaptation in Southern Louisiana
Brady Skaggs - Port of New Orleans (moderator)
Emily Federer - Port of New Orleans
Agnimitro Chakrabarti – Olsson
Carl Horton - Freese and Nichols, Inc.
Burton Suedel - US Army Corps of Engineers
#57 Policies and Projects, Pulling it together for Statewide Flood Mitigation
Derek Chisholm - AECOM (moderator)
Genea Lathers - LA Office of Community Development
Jie Gu - Louisiana Department of Transportation & Development
Maryam Roostae - AECOM
Brett McMann - The Water Institute
#58 Neptune Pass: Lessons in Adaptation
Michael Biros – CRCL (moderator)
Grant McCall - Center for Human-Environmental Research
Alexander Kolker - Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium
Katelyn Keller - US Army Corps of Engineers
#59 West Shore Lake Pontchartrain/Maurepas Swamp Diversion
Monica Salins Gorman (moderator)
L. Jeff Williams – Army Corps of Engineers
Leah Reed - AECOM
Sean Walsh - Eustis Engineering
Kevin O'Gorman - Intracoastal Consultants
Danielle Richardi – CPRA
Andrew Beall – CPRA (organizer)
#60 Coastal communications: A robust discussion about the evolution of environmental communications, featuring professionals working on television, film and across disciplines including traditional, digital and social media
James Karst - CRCL (moderator)
Kevin McCaffrey - e/Prime Media
Emma Reid - Louisiana Public Broadcasting
4:00 - 5:30 p.m.
#61 Update on Coastal Resiliency Efforts in Texas Chenier Plain
Greg Grandy - Coastal Protection & Restoration Authority (moderator)
Ray Newby - TxDOT Maritime Division
Tressa Olsen - Texas Water Development Board
Nicole Sunstrum - Gulf Coast Protection District
Augusto Villalon - Freese & Nichols (organizer)
Tony Williams - Texas General Land Office
#62 The Role of Insurance in Storm Mitigation and Recovery
Charles Sutcliffe – National Wildlife Federation (moderator)
Md Adilur Rahim – LSU Agricultural Center
Abbey Hotard - University of South Alabama
Jason Bird - Jacobs
#63 Avian Session pt. 2
Presenters coming soon
#64 The Bayou Culture Collaborative (BCC) Culture and Planning Working Group: Striving for Community Centric Adaptation
Simone Domingue - Tulane University (moderator)
Elizabeth English - University of Waterloo
Cherie Matherne - Pointe-Au-Chien Indian Tribe
Ivy Mathieu - Bayou Culture Collaborative
Amy Monier - BBC French Language Preservation Working Group
Erin Tooher - University of Louisiana at Lafayette
#65 Understanding Sediment, Shorelines, and Ecosystem Recovery
Mark Byrnes - Applied Coastal (moderator)
Rob Hollis - The Water Institute
Stacy Calhoun-Grosch - Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium
Whitney Thompson - Southern Shores Engineering
Elizabeth Granier - Nicholls State University
#66 Advancing Sea Level Rise Research to Improve Awareness and Coastal Decision Making in the Gulf
Raúl Flamenco – National Academy of Sciences (moderator)
Susan Bates - The Nature Conservancy
Andrew Delman - University of California, Los Angeles
Matthew Weathers - Carnegie Mellon University
Ali Relllinger - Mississippi State University and Mississippi-Alabama Sea Grant
#67 Developing Integrated Engineering and Design Solutions (DEEDS): Foundations and Partnerships
Fabiana Trinidade da Silva - Louisiana State University (moderator)
Traci Birch - Louisiana State University (organizer)
Dov Block - St. John the Baptist Parish
Joseph Brooks - Louisiana State University
Casey Jones - University of California Berkeley
Jacob Midkiff - Louisiana State University
Yao Wang - Louisiana State University
#68 Crevasses in The Lower Mississippi River
Christopher Esposito – The Water Institute (moderator)
Matthew Czapiga – Tulane University
Madeline Foster-Martinez – University of New Orleans
Katelyn Keller – Army Corps
Cassidy Lejeune – Ducks Unlimited
Ioannis Georgiou – The Water Institute
Hemanth Vundavilli - Louisiana State University
John Nyman – Louisiana State University
Todd Baker - CPRA
Gary L. Brown – Army Corps
#69 Morganza to the Gulf Hurricane Risk Reduction System: Protecting the Community and Restoring the Environment
James McMenis - CPRA (moderator)
Dwayne Bourgeois - North Lafourche Conservation, Levee and Drainage District
Mitch Marmande - Delta Coast Consultants, LLC
Nicole Buranzon - APTIM
Lacy Shaw – Army Corps of Engineers
#70 Title coming soon
Jennifer Miselis – USGS
Rose Palermo – USGS
Gordon Thomson – Baird