2021 Sponsors

State of the Coast is the largest gathering of scientists, policy-makers, planners, business interests, and private citizens concerned with the future of the Louisiana coast. The conference presents relevant, timely information that can benefit a wide array of attendees from many backgrounds.  

2021 Exclusive Sponsors

Since its establishment in 1968, the Louisiana Sea Grant College Program has worked to promote stewardship of the state’s coastal resources through a combination of research, education and outreach.

The Walton Family Foundation is, at its core, a family-led foundation that believes the best ideas can come from anywhere and they partner with those who are closest to the problem because they’re usually closest to the solution.

The National Wildlife Federation, America’s largest and most trusted conservation organization, works across the country to unite Americans from all walks of life in giving wildlife a voice. We’ve been on the front lines for wildlife since 1936, fighting for the conservation values that are woven into the fabric of our nation’s collective heritage.

Restore the Mississippi River Delta is a coalition that works to rebuild coastal Louisiana’s nationally-significant landscape to protect people, wildlife and jobs.

Stantec’s coastal and marine experts deliver innovative solutions for waterfront and port facilities, waterways and inlets, offshore infrastructure, and coastal community and environmental protection and restoration.

Plauché & Carr LLP attorneys serve as advocates and counselors regarding legal and regulatory issues related to natural resource based activities, including environmental, land use, water resources, conservation deals, and coastal law.

With a combination of state-of-the-art technology and experienced professional staff, PAE provides a wide variety of public sector services. We assist in all elements of project development from initial planning stages through completion of construction

Fugro, is the world’s leading, independent provider of vital earth and engineering data, information and advice required for the design, construction and maintenance of large land and marine infrastructure, industrial installation and buildings.

Our core mission is to invest in the development of the energy supply essential to human and economic progress, while effectively managing social and environmental concerns, including climate change.

Ducks Unlimited’s conservation programs have always had a strong biological foundation. That science and research tradition continues today with hundreds of studies to address the habitat needs of waterfowl. Although a great deal of work has been done and many important questions answered, there is still much to learn about how the birds respond to landscape, habitat and environmental changes.

Shell is a global group of energy and petrochemical companies with more than 80,000 employees in more than 70 countries. They  use advanced technologies and take an innovative approach to help build a sustainable energy future.